Sindre Gilje is new General Manager in Head Energy BrannCon

Sindre Gilje has started in the role of General Manager in Head Energy BrannCon. Gilje has a very good reputation among customers in Stavanger and will lead a professional community in great development. Vidar Kristoffersen takes over as Deputy Chairman.
-Head Energy BrannCon is well positioned in the market and has a young and ambitious team of skilled fire advisors, supported by established seniors in mentoring roles. I am looking forward to building our business with the team and contributing to the growth of the Head Energy group's construction & facilities,” says Sindre Gilje.
Leif Madsen Bærheim established BrannCon in 2008 and led the business until Head Energy acquired the majority stake in the company in 2022. Madsen is currently Head of Building & Construction in Head Energy and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Head Energy BrannCon. He believes Sindre Gilje has all the prerequisites to lead the company forward:
-Sindre is a competent professional who communicates equally well with contractors and builders as with the employees. He is keen on continuity, while at the same time he has clear thoughts on how the business will be developed in both Stavanger and Oslo. I think this will be very good,” says Leif Madsen Bærheim.
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