Building and construction
Project development
Design & engineering services
Fire safety engineering
Geo services
Legal services
Planning & zonal services
Project administration
Project development
Project planning and analysis

Project development

Timely involvement and comprehensive advice ensure profit in your construction project.

Head Energy is an experienced, competent and holistic advisor who can follow your construction project from A to Z. With early involvement, we ensure good processes, more predictability and increased profits in your project. Our employees have varied and relevant experience and have contributed to significant value creation for our clients, including focusing on increasing saleable area.

Our advisory professional community in Stavanger, Bergen and Oslo helps builders with planning, engineering, implementation and profit realisation.

Project development
Project development

We deliver

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Project development

Projects we have delivered.

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Expertise through all phases.

The foundation for a good project is laid in the initial stages and this is where we can be a beneficial team player. We have extensive experience from both the private and public sectors and work with builders in urban and area development, housing development, infrastructure, commercial buildings and industry.

The best results are achieved with holistic planning from the start of the project. We can contribute from start-up to realization, but can also play an important role in each individual phase of a project.

We manage projects from start to finish and assist you with the following:


  • Project planning
  • Analysis
  • Feasibility study
  • Sketch project
  • Land use planning
  • Concept development
  • Planning and Government Contact
  • Legal services
  • Investment budget


  • Landscaping
  • Water & Sewerage
  • Transport
  • Fire advisory
  • Geo


  • Project Management
  • Construction management
  • Design management
  • SHA

Expertise through all phases.


Alle våre produkter blir produsert i henhold til våre kunders ønsker og behov. Under er eksempler på produkter vi har utviklet. Vennligst ta kontakt for nærmere informasjon og priser.

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Møt teamet som jobber med Project development.

Meet us.

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Bengt FrantzenBengt Frantzen
Bengt Frantzen
Managing Director, Head Energy PA
Project & Construction Manager
Head Energy PA AS
Stian RaunehaugStian Raunehaug
Stian Raunehaug
Managing Director, Head Energy Introcon
Head Energy Introcon AS
Leif Madsen BærheimLeif Madsen Bærheim
Leif Madsen Bærheim
Manager Civil Engineering
Head Energy AS
Jogeir RomarheimJogeir Romarheim
Jogeir Romarheim
Project Developer / Project & Construction Manager
Head Energy Introcon AS
Kristoffer NedalKristoffer Nedal
Kristoffer Nedal
Project Developer
Head Energy Introcon AS
 Elin Vagle Elin Vagle
Elin Vagle
Manager Project Planning & Analysis
Head Energy Nexus AS
Christoffer Wilhelm PedersenChristoffer Wilhelm Pedersen
Christoffer Wilhelm Pedersen
Assistant Manager / Project & Construction Manager
Head Energy PA AS

Contact us.

Do you have questions or want to know more about our services? We would love to hear from you!

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Leif Madsen Bærheim
Manager Civil Engineering

Bli en av oss.

Head Energy gruppen er i vekst og vi er alltid på jakt etter flere dyktige ingeniører og spesialister.

Hos oss kan du bli en del av våre dyktige fagmiljø innen vedlikehold & modifikasjoner, subsea & teknologi eller elkraftteknikk eller du kan bli konsulent og jobbe for en av våre attraktive kunder innen olje & gass, fornybar energi, bygg & anlegg, infrastruktur, havbruk, industri og IT.

Project development